College Leadership

spring campus shot of library

esball官方网(RIC)是该州第一所也是最古老的公立高等教育机构, founded in 1854. 它由esball官方网的校长监督, 他向高等教育专员办公室(RIOPC)报告.

What is the RIOPC?

RIOPC是esball官方网高等教育委员会的行政部门, 负责监督和管理RIC和罗德岛社区学院的机构.

RIC's Organizational Structure

President Jack R. Warner

President Jack R. Warner

Dr. Jack R. Warner 于2022年7月1日被任命为esball官方网院长. 校长主持一个行政内阁,由整个学院各个办公室和部门的副校长组成, 还有学院的其他高层领导. 总统办公室由办公厅主任监督. RIC's Organizational Charts 提供更多esball官方网办公室的细节, schools, 院系位于机构内部.

President's Executive Cabinet

Executive Divisions and Offices

The President's Executive Cabinet members oversee these executive divisions and offices: the Office of the President; the Office of the Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs; the Division of Administration and Finance; the Division of College Advancement; the Division of Student Success; the Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion; the Office of External Affairs and the Office of 专业进修及继续教育.

students on the quad

Administration & Finance

该部门负责财务和预算系统和流程, information services, human resources, security and safety, facilities and operations, publishing services, 还有47号楼的基建项目, 180-acre campus.​​​​​​​​​

single student outside

College Advancement

我们建立有意义的关系, 创造引人入胜的内容和难忘的体验,扩大学院在校园的品牌承诺, 在线和整个RIC社区以及其他地方.


Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

多元化,平等办公室, & 包容性导致了促进多元化的制度举措, inclusive, and equitable campus community.

mount pleasant avenue entrance

External Affairs

我们协调州和联邦层面的立法活动,同时吸引外部利益相关者支持这项任务, 学院的目标和重点.